Public Notices

Posted – March 13, 2025

Sewer Tie-ins

High levels of precipitation and high lake/groundwater levels over the last several years, as well as line breaks and obstructions, have led the TVRSSC to be concerned about illegal connections to the system. Each Municipality has passed a bylaw regulating what a household or business can connect to the system, what is allowed to be put into the system, and associated fines.
Only black/grey water is allowed in the system and it is illegal to connect weeping tiles, sump pumps, eaves troughs, yard drains, etc. to the system. While TVRSSC is aware that there are many illegal connections, enforcement is challenging. The Commission does not have the ability to enforce municipal bylaws and it is difficult to establish where the illegal connections are. TVRSSC is looking into the feasibility of doing a smoke test to establish where illegal connections are and working with the municipalities on enforcement.

Manhole Lining

As part of its capital plans, and as a result of high water levels and increasing frequency of discharges to the Sturgeon River, in 2021 the TVRSSC started lining manholes to reduce groundwater infiltration to the system. Approximately 40 manholes were completed in 2021.  While this continues to be an important project, the board has chosen to delay the continuation of manhole linings for 2022 owing to other capital priorities. This will allow the commission time to evaluate the effectiveness of the linings and their longevity in our climate. Manhole lining will be considered again in 2023.


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